This page will kept up to date as functionality is written. Everything here should be possible in the current version of Overthrow 2
You start Overthrow with only the following assets:
In order to progress the revolution you are going to need a few things, but mostly money. Below is a basic run down of what Overthrow has for you to navigate the island and make some cash.
You open the Overthrow main menu by hitting U
on PC or by holding down on the D-Pad on a controller. There you will see most of the main features of Overthrow.
You can fast travel to any house you own (including the one you start in), to your camp (that you can place), to any FOB placed by any player, or any captured base. Just choose it from the overthrow menu and then click anywhere near one of those items on the map. You will fast travel to the place you click on as long as it's close enough.
You spawn with a car in your garage. That car will also be shown on your map if you forget where you parked.
Walk up to any bus stop, most towns have at least one. Use the "Catch Bus" action on the bus stop to fast travel to any other bus stop (a red "P" icon on the map) for a fee.
You can purchase selected vehicles (without weapons) at the various vehicle dealerships on the map, look for a car icon.
The Job system is a little broken at the moment. You may experience bugs. These are known about and you don't need to report them.
Jobs are the best way to discover the gameplay elements of Overthrow while earning cash. Just open the Overthrow menu (PC: U key) and click on "Jobs" to see what is available.
The smallest villages on the map can be captured without a fight. The occupying faction will abandon a village when support for the Resistance is over 75% of it's population.
Support for the town will go up a lot slower when the current support is > the modifier amount. So if 25% of the population supports the resistance and you have only placed down 5 posters, it will go very slowly from there, so you need to do more than just place posters.
Tip: The easiest villages to capture depend if they have a radio tower nearby. Ones without can be captured without firing a single shot but it will take time.
Captured villages, towns, and cities provide a decent amount of regular income. (about $2500/6 hrs for most villages on normal difficulty).
Putting up posters advertising the resistance will gain Support in a town that will garner donations from the populace. Go into a town and using the Overthrow "U" menu select "Place" and select posters. Put them on walls around the town and then wait for the support to go up. You can check the current support by using the "Map Info" item from the Overthrow menu and clicking on the town. It takes time for the posters to take effect.
Placing more than 5 posters in a town will have no effect, it caps out at +25% (5% per poster). After a while the posters will time out and support will drop. You can then place more posters.
Tip: You can catch buses between villages to cover more of them faster and gain support, even with your starting $100
You don't need a "job" to deliver medical supplies to a town. At any time you can buy medical supplies (gauze, bandages etc) and deliver them to the center of a town/city. You will raise Support there which will lead to donations. Just put the items in your vehicle and use the "Deliver Medical Supplies" action on your boot.
Larger towns and cities have a "gun dealer" with a gun icon on the map, gun dealers also sell drugs and they can be sold to the civilians walking around for a small profit. If you buy the drugs in towns closer to ports they will be cheaper and can be sold for a higher profit in towns further from ports.
Shops will sell items to you that can be taken to another town to be sold to another shop for a profit. Towns closer to ports have cheaper prices so buy there and drive them to a town further from a port to make a profit.
The Occupying faction stores all sorts of expensive items at their bases in caches. Infiltrate them and try to get away with the goods, or try to find the patrols they send into towns and kill/steal from them. Sell the (legal) items you steal at the various shops in towns.
In your place menu is a flag which you can put down as long as it isnt too close to any buildings, towns or enemy bases which will create a Forward Operating Base (or FOB). At an FOB you can place down any other items as well as build a Vehicle Maintenance Ramp, Medical tents etc. Anyone in the resistance can then fast travel to that FOB from anywhere on the map.
In each enemy base there is a flag in the middle with an action that will trigger a battle for that base. At a base you can build Helipads and a Garage to buy helicopters and more advanced vehicles at.